whoa whoa whoaa

hiii guy s the plus sign has more info


its me and dokuga !!!!


Dokuga history !!

note: everything presented in the following pages are personal notes compiled and formatted for reading. while objectivity and accuracy are the main priorities, some of the conclusions drawn may be subject to bias ...

dokuga-centric Timeline of key pre-canon events

These dates were sourced from the timeline in Mangaka-Bon Special: Dorohedoro-Bon (2019).


Born and orphaned, then taken in by an unnamed sorcerer to serve as child labor and fodder for magic experiments. During his time living with the sorcerer, he developed the poisonous spit as a result of the experimentation done on him.note: tetsujo was born earlier that year, ton was born a year prior, and saji and ushishimada were born in 24 BK btw... also i dont like to consider dokuga as having a single smidgeon of magic even though people could probably argue that his poison/that random panel where he flies is a form of magic . i consider the poison a curse effect and i consider the flying thing a machine that uses smoke like the magic carpets or something. maybe they use smoke bottles like the ones you can find in the dorohedoro store


lord he is so desirable

At age 7, he killed the sorcerer who had been abusing him. After doing so, he likely began living on the streets along with the rest of the (to-be) Cross-Eyes officers, stealing and such to survive.note: here he is spilling his guts out 2 shou . so cute! drinking his troubles away and stuff...


imagine images of them when they were tied up by the shopkeeper guys here . uhhh. those pics are a placeholder
After getting caught for stealing(?), Dokuga (age 13) and his friends are tied up, bullied a little, then thrown into Hole, where they all first meet Kai. He kills the sorcerers that were holding them captive, and the boys follow.
note: chapter (uhhh findit later) has a lot of content of the guys at this time.. they were so tiny then... i would've added more pictures but i didn't wanna clutter it too much. anyway this was when tetsujo got his eye scar as well, because he was trying to defend dokuga after dokuga spat in some guy's face in retaliation


The Cross-Eyes are established as an organization, growing in success and notoriety across the Magic User Realm with the introduction of a magic smoke enhancing product (Black Powder).note: i feel like it's important to note that the black powder doesn't even work on them because of their lack of inherent magic... they get paid well anyway, often dining at restaurants like the one shown below, which is a much better lifestyle compared to the one they lived when they were younger. i think they were happy, despite still needing to kill and stuff

dorohedoro chapter 144 cover

During this period, Dokuga and the other officers lived comfortable lives, profiting from the organization's influence. Around 4 BK, the Cross-Eyes boss disappears after an altercation with En, switching personalities with and living as Aikawa periodically. The Cross-Eyes officers have no issues maintaining the organization’s production and trade systems at this time, since they were still relatively well-stocked with Kai's black powder.


imagine that image of dokuga helping kai escape here...
After Risu is killed by Kai, Dokuga learns of it and helps Kai escape Curse. This event marks a major catalyst of Dokuga's growing doubts regarding Kai as the Boss, as well as the beginning of the decline of the Cross-Eyes organization.
note: i was going to say this was the beginning of Dokuga's doubts regarding the Boss, but i also think that Dokuga was aware enough to be wary, especially considering Kai's odd behavior with counting the devil tumors and such... dokuga isn't stupid . hes just kind of naive since he relied on the organization and the boss so much at this time


risu meets them in berith
The (once again) poverty-stricken Cross-Eyes officers are visited by Risu in their Berith hideout. This is the first appearance of the Cross-Eyes in the canon timeline** (visual evolution of dokuga's hairstyles). During this time, we see the diminishing influence of the Cross-Eyes as an organization due to the loss of their income source.
boss comes back
Later on, there's a short period of Cross-Eyes success (<1y) as the Boss returns, though this is almost immediately followed by complete disbandment (˙◠˙) due to the death of key members (and possibly a loss of conviction in the objectives of the Cross-Eyes?).
hungry bug dokuga + tetsujo
Post-canon, Dokuga and Tetsujo live on to work as employees of Hungry Bug in Hole. i am so happy they have a normal job now